
Thinking of Aluminum Fencing? Here Are a Few Things to Consider First

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A high-quality aluminum fence is more than just a barrier between you and the outside world; it’s also an important design component and can add value to your property as well. Many homeowners already know that choosing aluminum materials for their backyard fence is the best way to go, but there are still a few things to take into consideration before making that final decision.

For example, if you’re choosing a fence to go around your pool area, you need to know the parameters and other important aspects to make the right choice. Follow us as we give you a few of the things you should consider before you purchase your aluminum fence.

Height of the Fence

When it comes to putting a fence around a pool, there are height considerations to take into account. Most states require that aluminum fencing around a pool be at least four feet tall with two rails that run horizontally and if the fence has three horizontal rails it needs to be at least four and a half feet tall.

The reason for this is you don’t want the fence to be easy for a child to climb over, and this height is usually too tall for smaller children to climb. Remember, the taller your fence is, the harder it will be for babies and toddlers to climb over. This protects you, the children in your neighborhood, and your liability if the worst should happen.

The Quality of the Latch

Not only does your aluminum fence need to be a certain height, but you also need to ensure that the latch on the gate is of high quality. In fact, the latch is one part of the fence that can easily be forgotten, so it bears mentioning here.

If you think about it, a fence is only as good as the latch on the gate, so you’ll want a sturdy, high-quality latch that is impossible for children to lift and get into. The best latches are magnetic self-closing latches, which means even if you forget to latch the gate, it closes and latches itself.  

The Aesthetics of the Fence

While you want your aluminum fence to be sturdy, high-quality, and certainly safe, you can’t forget the aesthetics of the fence, especially if you’re looking to raise your property values as well. Aluminum fences come in several different aesthetics, from purely functional to decorative. You just need to determine if function or style is more important to you.

Of course, you can get both, if you go to the right fencing professionals and make the right choice. We’re here to help you make that choice as well.

Wrap Up

When it comes to choosing the right aluminum fencing for your property, especially if it’s going around your pool area, there are quite a few things you need to consider. We’ve given you a few of them above, so make sure that you keep these things in mind when making your final decision.

If you’re ready to choose your aluminum fence, our representatives are standing by to serve you. Call for an appointment today.

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